She wrote, “We started doing a lot of the things we did before we got married that we both enjoyed. He said he had never even come close to cheating, but missed the kind of adventuresome sex they had early in their relationship. She gave him carte blanche to confess any misdeeds and promised they would work on things together. Nervous asked her husband about it, and he apologized. She said one day she had found on a tablet she and her husband shared a suggestive picture the secretary had posted on her Facebook page. Two months later I heard back from Nervous. This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below. Any couple with three kids and two full-time jobs, I pointed out, should be ecstatic to have sex three times a week. I said that if he were a cheater, he’d have been cheating all along. What she did have was her husband’s assurance that her fears were misplaced. I answered that she wouldn’t know the personal sexual history of a replacement.
Dear prudence slate install#
Still, she wondered if she should force her husband to fire this woman, or get him to install a hidden camera. She told her husband about her concerns and he assured her that he was not interested in anyone but her.

She was worried because her husband has “the libido of a jack rabbit” and would be happy having sex five times a day - instead of the three times a week they currently shared since the kids came along and her libido had fallen off. Nervous had just found out that this woman had had an affair with a previous boss. She used to handle her husband’s office work, but could no longer do so because of her own full-time job and three kids. In August we ran a video on this subject from a letter writer who called herself Nervous at Home. It’s such a primal emotion, but one remarkably underexplored. Soon-to-be-GranĪnother recurring issue for letter writers is also a classic one: jealousy. Although everything worked out in the end, I wish that I had taken your advice much, much earlier. Thank you for your counsel, and for taking a load off my mind. His response was that he and his fiancée are officially six weeks pregnant, and if all goes well, in July of next year, I am finally going to be a granny! I am both astonished and elated by this news. A month after the column ran, I received this note from Wannabe: Dear Prudence, I agonized over what to do, took your words to heart, and yesterday finally decided to tell him. Commenters were less understanding and tore into Wannabe for not spreading the word earlier about her son’s potential inability to spread his seed. It was cruel to withhold such crucial information from a young couple and make them wonder what might be wrong, should they have trouble conceiving.